Smurfs’ Society official community marketplace is live!


Smurfs' Society community marketplace is now live!

• Go there to trade 'The Smurfs’ Society Legendary Collection’, an official collection of 12,500 NFTs building on the Smurfs’ universe.

One of the many things that we love doing at Rarible is supporting beloved brands as their portal to web3. If more popular brands and franchises expand their communities with NFT collections, we all win.

And when that franchise involves cute blue characters that are instantly recognizable around the world… I mean, who wouldn’t want to have a Smurfs NFT in their wallet? That’s why we're helping the Smurfs launch ‘The Smurfs’ Society Legendary Collection’, an official collection of 12,500 NFTs building on the Smurfs’ universe.

Following the successful 48-hour bucket auction that saw over 549 ETH in bids (yes, in this economy!) and helped 3,000 of those Smurfs NFTs find their home in blockchain wallets, we have now launched the community marketplace where you can score your grail Smurf.

So if you missed the auction or want to get even more Smurfs, head to the marketplace now and pick any of the listed NFTs or, if you're looking to snipe a particular Smurf, wait for the reveal which is scheduled to happen soon!

The Smurfs community marketplace works like any other community marketplace with all its perks. It just looks a bit Smurfier.

So once you’re over there, simply connect your wallet and start trading!